The Office of 公共安全 is an integral part of the campus community and a positive presence on our campus. All members of the department strive to be sensitive to the needs of all while protecting the rights and property of the campus community.
There are certain non-emergency 服务s that 公共安全 will provide as part of their responsibilities. Any non-emergency 服务s requested may not be responded to immediately if an emergency does arise.
The 公共安全 Department provides an array of 服务s to the campus community and can be contacted by calling 651.846.1322或亲自到1楼的咨询台,位于mg电子试玩app旁边 & 财政援助办事处. 服务包括但不限于:
- 安全步行陪同
- 汽车发动起来
- 车辆锁定辅助系统
- 医疗/急救援助
- 房间解锁/锁
- 钥匙/卡访问激活
- 刑事事件调查
- 校园事件报告及管理
- 失物招领处
- 安全研讨会及个人安全训练
- 骚扰/保护援助令
- 国家车辆使用授权
- 校外资源推荐
- 校园办公室和方向信息
Resources and 政策 for Sexual Violence, Relationship Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Harassment
mg电子试玩app致力于提供一个没有暴力的学习环境, 骚扰和歧视.
如果你经历过性暴力或关系暴力, 跟踪, 或者性骚扰发生的一切都不是你的错. 性暴力或关系暴力, 跟踪, 或者,无论你的性别如何,性骚扰都可能发生在你身上, 比赛, 年龄, class, 或者性取向. 你应该永远得到安全和尊重. 你可能正在经历各种各样的感觉,这些感觉都是有效的.
虐待或忽视儿童或脆弱成人的报告, 在没有直接危险的情况下, 必须向执法部门或州或县社会服务机构提出吗. 欲知更多有关举报虐待或忽视儿童的资料,请浏览以下网址:
明尼苏达州的法律为18岁以下的儿童和脆弱的成年人提供特殊保护. 这些法律,明尼苏达州法规第626条.556和626.557, identify those who are mandated to report neglect or abuse of children under 18 and maltreatment of vulnerable adults; further information about reporting requirements is available at the links noted above.
- 教师, 实习教师或临床参与者, 日托人员, and others involved in education or 服务s to children or vulnerable adults may be considered mandated reporters under both of these laws.
The Department of 公共安全 is authorized by the College to maintain accurate law enforcement records of all criminal activity on campus, 学校附近, 或者加入大学社区.
The Department of 公共安全 has a strong working relationship with the Associate Dean of 学生 Development and 服务, 学生生活, 人力资源, 其他院系, 校园安全部门. 公共安全 works closely with these reporting authorities to ensure timely reporting of criminal information while maintaining or extending confidentiality (except where required by law or College policy).
以便及时向mg电子试玩app社区发出警告, 这对所有教员都很重要, 工作人员, 学生, and visitors to notify the Department of 公共安全 and proper authorities when a crime occurs.
Multiple efforts are made to inform the campus community in a timely manner about crime and suspicious activity, 人身安全问题, 以及校园和邻近社区的其他与犯罪有关的问题. Sharing timely information educates the campus community and aids in the prevention of similar incidents. 出于这些原因, the Department of 公共安全 and the College go beyond the reporting requirements established in the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus 安全 Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)). The Department of 公共安全 shares additional security and safety information on an on-going basis. 查阅有关适时警告的最新及最新资料, 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 访客应留意校园内公共安全部门的告示, 以及张贴, 警告, 以及通过广播邮件传播的信息.
These postings describe crimes or security concerns and solicit information from the college community regarding the reported incidents. 他们还分享了重要的预防犯罪技巧, 举报罪案的方法, 以及用来分享信息的电话号码.
公共安全 bulletins are printed on blue paper and outline topics of concern that serve to educate 学生, 教师, 以及员工生活和工作的环境. These postings emphasize crime awareness and prevention and are posted around campus to warn 学生, 员工, 以及大学社区可能脆弱的情况下的客人. 需要公共安全公告的事件包括盗窃, 欺诈活动, 或者危险的情况.
公共安全 advisories are printed on yellow paper and describe crimes on or off campus that are important to the college community. 虽然没有公共安全警报中描述的那么严重, 咨询对学生的安全和福祉提出了重大关切, 教师, 工作人员, 和客人.
公共安全 alerts are printed on red paper and describe situations or incidents of the greatest magnitude. 警报可以包括抢劫等事件, 盗窃, 校园多起盗窃案, 或者严重伤害.
学生, 教师, 工作人员及访客应留意公共安全资讯, 全年在校园大楼张贴并通过电子邮件分发咨询和警报. 大学社区的安全取决于每个人都了解情况.
In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus 安全 Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, mg电子试玩app监控犯罪活动并发布年度报告, maintaining a three-year statistical history on the Saint Paul College campus and at off-campus facilities used by the College or by recognized College organizations.
学院将应要求提供纸质副本. 如欲索取纸质副本,请致电651.846.1322或到公共安全部门前台.
联邦校园性犯罪预防法案, 10月28日生效, 2002, requires institutions of higher education to issue a statement advising the campus community where law enforcement 年龄ncy information provided by a 状态 regarding registered sex offenders may be obtained. It also requires sex offenders already required to register in a 状态 to provide notice of each institution of higher education in that 状态 at which the person is employed, 从事一项职业, 或者是学生.
The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension administers a predatory offender registration and tracking program. 关于该计划的任何问题都可以直接联系掠夺性罪犯小组,电话是888.234.1248 or 651.793.7070. 有关该计划的信息可在以下网站找到:
信息rmation regarding registered sex offenders may be obtained through the Saint Paul Police Department (SPPD). 可以拨打651联系SPPD.266.5685. General information on registration requirements and notification procedures can be found at the following website:
除了, information regarding registered sex offenders may be obtained through the Minnesota Department of Corrections at 651.642.0200. 罪犯定位器, 针对那些有再犯风险的罪犯, 可从明尼苏达州惩教署网站获取:
防止暴雨水污染计划(SWPPP) 征求公众意见. 发送你的评论