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Saint Paul College A Community & 技术学院


Thank you for your interest in working at Saint Paul College. Our faculty and staff enjoy excellent benefits, 广泛的专业发展机会和具有挑战性的职业生涯.

如果你有兴趣雇用我们的学生和校友为全职或兼职工作, please go to 职业服务 Hire a 学生 or Graduate.

Saint Paul College is a community dedicated to higher learning, personal and community development, and the transformation of lives. From the diversity of our campus, to the wealth of real-world experience in our faculty and staff, Saint Paul College is a great place to make a difference.

Please check back frequently, as our postings change regularly.

Academic, Administrator and Professional Jobs

欢迎来到mg电子试玩app的学术和管理职位的工作机会页面. You may apply to Unlimited (i.e.“永久”)全职和临时全职(一学年)教师任命, 以及无限制的全职和兼职管理员和学生服务专业职位.

如需网上申请,请按: 求职申请门户


重要的是,你的申请表必须显示你所拥有的所有相关教育和经验. Applications may be rejected if incomplete.

Most jobs postings require submittal of transcripts. 在提交成绩单之前,请修改成绩单上出现的以下任何项目:社会安全号码, 出生日期, 年龄, 性别, and date of high school graduation. 外国成绩单必须包括官方成绩单评估,其解释等同于美国.S. 毕业学分. If you scan your transcript, please make sure it is legible. If you do not submit your transcript(s), you will not be considered.

Open Academic, Administrator and Professional Jobs

本署会因应残疾人士的要求,以其他格式提供申请表格. Please contact 人力资源 at employment@nannolight.com or 651.846.1400.


员工职位的申请必须在明尼苏达州的州立职业网页上进行在线申请. If you have not applied there before, you must first create an account. 访问 我在州内找工作. 当您创建帐户后,您可以申请mg电子试玩app的以下职位.

残障人士如有需要,可向圣保罗书院人力资源办事处(电邮 employment@nannolight.com, or 651.846.1400, or through the Minnesota Relay Service at 1.800.627.3529.


If the above links do not work, visit 我在州内找工作 and search for the posting number (#).



State of Minnesota 健康 and Dental Benefits



该州提供基本的团体定期人寿保险,并为员工提供购买额外保险的选择权, spouse or dependent children.

残疾 & 长期护理



福利符合条件的员工可以选择参加税前账户(灵活支出账户),如医疗/牙科费用账户(MDEA), or a Dependent Care Expense Account (DCEA).



Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program provides, 专家, 保密, personal consultation for concerns including 金融 and 法律 matters, 关系的挑战, and personal and 家庭 problems.

健康 & 健康项目

Services are designed to address most aspects of wellbeing, 比如个人的, 家庭, 物理, 金融, 法律, 工作生活, 等. mg电子试玩app也有一个现场健康委员会,为员工提供培训和健康活动.


明尼苏达州立大学为符合条件的员工提供学费减免福利,提供学费和学费, 在某些情况下, 一定的费用. 除了学费减免外,mg电子试玩app还为员工提供学费报销和教师专业发展基金.


Saint Paul College is committed to being a premier learning community. 学院致力于教师和员工发展的专业发展计划,将不同的教育需求作为学院的优先事项,并认识到其对使命的重要性, 愿景, 目标, 和书院的目标,建立一支高技能及多元人才的工作队伍. 学院设有员工发展委员会,致力于为校园社区提供学习和培训机会.

Temporary Part-time or Adjunct Instructors 连续的招聘

mg电子试玩app正在为各个部门收集一个教学池,以便在需要教师时可以参考. 除非在你申请的部门内需要一名教师,否则我们不会联系你. mg电子试玩app致力于支持各种形式的多样性. Applicants representing diverse backgrounds are encour年龄d to apply.


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